How to make each day successful

How to make each day successful

What does your perfect day look like? Picture it, you're in bed and as you look back at everything you've done that day, you are filled with that warm fuzzy feeling that today was a success. 

The goal in peak performance is to have as many days like that as possible. When you look at the days you've achieved loads, very often it's because there was a plan and goal. You had set the time you would wake up, you knew what you were going to eat for breakfast, you knew what time you were training and who with and where.

The secret to productive days is planning and habits.

The reason for unproductive days is minimal beneficial habits and no real goal.

Goals must have a time domain attached to them. If I just say I want to achieve a marathon I'll probably never do it, however if I say I want to do a marathon by the first of November, all of a sudden I've made that goal one that needs an immediate plan with immediate action.

1. Have a goal with a time frame

2. Make a plan

3. Implement the plan consistently

4. Readjust plan if required

5. Reap rewards of achieving your goal

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